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When you bring the right people and ideas together, brilliant things happen. Things look different. Confidence grows. Doors open and priorities shift. Roadblocks get smaller and smaller, until sometimes they disappear altogether. Often all it takes is someone with a fresh pair of eyes and an ambitious heart, someone who knows the people you need to make things happen. You know – someone like me. And when you and I get together? We’ll make this world a better place, one lovely project at a time.

What do I do?

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Spotting opportunities

First thing’s first: where should you start? I’ll become an expert on your landscape, challenges, and vision to point you in the right direction and bring your concept to life.

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Planning the way

Once I understand what you’re trying to do, I’ll help you decide what’s next. That could mean facilitating a workshop, putting together a roadmap or implementation plan — or the lot.

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Finding the right people

Brilliant things depend on brilliant people. I’ll dive into my contacts to track down the like-minded people, teams, and agencies you need to make your project a success.

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Taking the lead

Perhaps you need a bit of hands-on help with project scoping, proposal writing, funding applications, and managing your project. No trouble at all: simply leave it with me.


“I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for today! We covered so much and uncovered a lot of quick wins and solutions to problems that have been plaguing us for a while.”

Josh Harrison, Commercial Director, Taxi Studio

Portrait of Anna Traylor

I’m Anna, and Twine’s my way of helping fantastic people to do wonderful things (and make a difference as I go). Wondering who I am, and what I’m all about? Well — I’ll tell you.

We’re better together

If there’s a tricky problem that needs untangling, loose ends that want tying, or people to bring together, I’ll do whatever I can to help. Because with me on your side, there’s nothing you can’t do.